Sunday, May 23, 2010

Get Him To The Greek

I must start by saying that "Get Him To The Greek" actually exceeded whatever expectations of mediocrity I had for it. Actually, let me rephrase that. I had no idea how funny this movie would be, the trailer was only a blip on my radar.

"Get Him To The Greek" is just plain enjoyable. Every character had a high degree of likability, and each made me laugh. Jonah Hill's "fish out of water" personality worked, for me at least, as did Russel Brand's "rock music personified" Aldous Snow (a character carried over from the movie "Forgetting Sarah Marshall"). A surprise will come to some in the way of P. Diddy. His boisterous, outrageous, dick head attitude was hilarious, and possibly one of the funnier things in the entire movie.

What you think one character lacks in comedic value, you will probably find in another, or something, somewhere. The gross out jokes that do occur (often) may not appeal to some, but I believe they'll reach their intended audience just fine. In addition they serve to just push the point that Jonah Hill's character is about a trillion miles out of his element.

"I hope you're wearing a condom because I have a dirty mind."

(NOTE-- Unfortunately, the "I am motorist" scene was cut in the screening I saw.)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Buy This DVD #4: A Very Long Engagement

"A Very Long Engagement" is a French romance/war drama that comes from the writer/director of "Amelie." This is a pretty touching movie, but not in the way you would consider a chick flick. The movie takes place during World War 1 and follows a woman's search for her fiancée who disappeared during the Battle of Somme. Though he is believed to be dead, she relentlessly follows seemingly hopeless leads in order to be reunited with him.

This movie has some really good performances, moving moments, and some pretty intense battle scenes. But, just a warning, do not go into this movie expecting a huge epic tale of war similar to "Saving Private Ryan." This movie delves not only into scenes of battle in small bits to explain what happened to the man, but also the tragedy of the woman who clings to the hope that her fiancée has somehow survived a suicide mission.

Great story, touching performances, and moments of amusing humor.

Buy This DVD

"Doggy farts gladden my heart."

(Don't mind the cheesiness of the trailer, it really is a good movie.)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Iron Man 2

What is there to say about Iron Man 2 that people don't already know or expect? The movie was full of amazing action and special effects, and a great cast. There really is not that much else to say. Not being a comic book reader myself, I can't really say how close to the comic the movie is, but I can say that it was terrific fun.

Downey gives a great, convincingly full of himself performance as Tony Stark. Rourke plays revenge fueled villain Whiplash. Cheadle replaces Terrance Howard as Stark's best friend James Rhodes. Johansson plays the smokin' Black Widow. Paltrow plays Stark's low key love interest Pepper Potts. The cast is just as solid as it, though I must admit while Downey and Paltrow have some great scenes together, there were times when you just didn't feel all that much of a connection between some of the other cast. Downey just doesn't feel like all that great of a pair up with Don Cheadle or Mickey Rourke at times, but these moments are nowhere near enough to distract you from the movie's entertainment value.

The story was standard, and just what you would expect. Absolutely no surprises, which won't necessarily upset people. The only thing that was kind of lame was the whole Tony Stark slowly dying aspect, it just didn't really make me care at all really (Downey is not at fault). There were some occasional lapses in logic, but no one goes to see a movie like Iron Man without preparing themselves for suspension of disbelief once in a while.

Overall, seriously fun movie, (though not totally on par with the first) see it with friends, and in theaters because you may not feel the need to buy it on dvd.

"Enjoy the potatoes."